Ask Dr. Ramzi – Dentist – Your Dental Clinic in Sharjah

Bleeding Gums during COVID

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Ramzi Assi Dental Center Blog

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My gums bleed, is it okay during COVID?



Bleeding gums are not okay, and they might make things worse during an exposure to an external virus.

Bleeding gums, gingivitis, is most of the time caused by the presence of plaque (bacteria) and calculus (tartar) on the teeth.

The presence of bacteria makes the body immune system continuously busy fighting it.

Now the body immune system is weaker when it needs to fight another threat, like an external virus.

During these COVID times we need to keep our immune system strong and ready to fight serious attacks.

Get rid of plaque and calculus. All it takes is a visit to your dentist.

Dr. Ramzi

Keep Brushing and Flossing daily

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